It would seem even the best of things deserve and need a bit of reinventing now and then. Imagine where we’d be if engineers had been satisfied with Henry Ford’s first model T or Boeing hadn’t decided it could improve on the Wright brothers concept of air travel.
The same applies in the world of cooking and culinary excellence. Take for example Falk Copper Cookware. This amazing company has been pushing the boundaries of quality since it first opened the doors in 1958. That’s nearly sixty years of handcrafted, and hand polished pots from a family passionate about cooking. Now, three generations later, experienced craftsmen in the village of Wespelaar, Belgium, still apply the same attention and detail to each pot or pan but do so using modern technology. Engineering advances (keeping up with the times) ensure every customer’s cooking experience is the best possible.
As the name suggests – COPPER – has always been the mainstay of Falk products. Copper is a brilliant conductor of heat and more importantly evenly distributes heat, a factor that makes it a standout for any cook. Add in the beautiful lustre of the metal and you have a practical, durable and glamorous addition to any kitchen. The combination of quality and good looks is heading into its sixth decade still leading the pack.
The first design of the pots was developed under the watchful eye of Pieter Van Achter and incorporated a lining of tin, as pots made exclusively of copper can leave a metal flavour behind, not really what you want in your soups and sauces. The tin coating did its job but it is soft metal and quickly wears off so re-lining or re-tinning the pots would eventually become necessary. This practice was expensive and not very practical so finding a way to improve the design became the priority. When Pieter Paul Van Achter took over from his father in the 1970’s he used his experience and degree in industrial engineering and metallurgy to pioneer the use of ‘bimetal technology’. Yes – it’s just like it sounds – bi – as in two metals laid one on top of the other to create the gold standard in heat conduction. This marrying of a thin layer of stainless steel to the copper delivered a stronger, durable and easier to maintain pot. Bimetal technology was quickly adopted by others but the functionality of Falk Copper Cookware had jumped ahead of the competition because of some very innovative Belgian thinking. The Van Achter family passion continues to design and create cookware of uncompromising quality and engineering excellence.
Case in point. Today’s owner and the driving force behind Falk Copper Cookware in the 21st century is Jan Van Achter. Jan is a man with his sights set on global distribution of a product desired by chefs and cooks around the world. Selling worldwide is possible in the world marketplace and Jan has turned his eye and his education focus of International Economics toward continuing the advancement of Falk. Options are available for Falk owners who can now choose pots with classic cast iron handles or sleeker more modern looking stainless steel handles. What remains constant at Falk is the personal touch, as every single piece of cookware is still handmade because some things should never change.
The latest iteration of the Falk Copper Pot has come as a result of the proliferation of induction ranges. Falk is stepping up its game to work with these magnetic cooktops that require a pot that is magnetic – copper isn’t – at least not until now. Falk Copper Cookware is currently testing a new design that puts a magnetic stainless steel bottom in place while keeping the copper required for quality cooking everywhere else. It would seem this generation of Falk ownership and craftsmen are well versed in the laws of attraction and how to keep the passion in your cooking and your kitchen.
We’ll keep you posted on availability. Advances in technology can be good when placed carefully alongside time tested and honoured traditions. What a marvellous combination. Find it all at Falk Copper Cookware.